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We Care We Vote TShirt

My grandmother lived nowhere near us, but she came to live with my mother after her stroke and was cared for at home. I looked after my mother after her stroke. My uncle lived alone and had cousins help out as and when he needed help so he could stay at home. The list is endless. Oh, and we all worked too. There's always a way if someone WANTS there to be. No person in my family has EVER been put in a home and none ever will be unless extreme circumstances like health reasons mean they're unable to be coped with at home for THEIR best interests. Having seen how many are dumped by families living locally who are 'too busy' is sickening. I have friends with care homes and know the truth. I have people galore who we USED to socialise with who all dumped theirs in homes saying they were too busy. Truth is, no one in life is so busy they have no time for people - especially those they pretend to love. If they are too busy for caring and loving they need to seriously reassess their lives. After all, what we teach OUR children is how they'll treat us one day. Sorry for such a long answer, but it saddens me greatly to see how people get treated in this country these days once they're over a certain age. Catherine Lana Speed and Nicky Veitch.


In the UK what I have written is the law. I should know as I have worked in / run Nursing Homes for over 10 years and nursed for 40 years. Lorrie Holloway-White Oh this is the usual drivel of the pious… eager to paint a world in chaos… conveniently forgetting that when the churches were full and the Bible well-known, the lot of the poor, the sick, older people, was far, far worse off that today… indeed, left to a loving god, their lives were often short and painful and many people never reached old age. Here, the pious usually cherry pick history – anything for a little gobbet of backhanded self-praise… mentioning William Booth, or Lord Shaftesbury, etc. conveniently forgetting that at the time of their ministry church attendance was at 50% anyway – and the UK was far more Christian than it is today… So why were these social reformers needed? And in reality, their work touched a tiny minority of the marginalised…. It is only the secular welfare state that made any inroads on poverty and the care of the sick, poor and marginalised. And please do try not to create a past that never existed.

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